I am confused as what to write,
Why am I always without any foresight?
Everyone knows their aim,
And plans on how to play the game.
But I have no plans, and no aim,
I know I might suffer in life’s game.
But who cares or gives a damn,
Why everyone thinks I am a smart lamb?
Everyone feels I am good and smart,
But my overconfidence tears me apart.
So many times I have heard this,
Even from big successful boys, in bliss.
But I had always felt otherwise,
I am a moronic monkey to my own eyes.
There’s nothing good or smart,
And confidence is just to show on chart.
Laziness is my another treasure.
Sleep giving me all the world’s pleasure.
Carelessness comes as a gift,
Whatever may happen, my nerves won’t lift.
I would have been good for nothing,
If luck would have cheated me for anything.
But my luck is dedicated as an arm.
Will act on impulse, at the hint of harm.
Of all the speciality in me,
I know, am a lock with a unique key,
That is why I am so different,
Always keen on rules being bent.
But laws of public are static,
Until I have access on rulebook, to tap & click.
My mind knows its impossible,
Heart says, even impossible says “i-m-possible”.
With luck on my side I walk on the edge,
If it turns traitor, I wouldn’t find any latch.
A good big fall is certain,
Back-bone loss, that might pertain.
Nevertheless, I shall always try,
Since, for a git like me, no one will ever cry.
I win or loose, wouldn’t bother anyone,
For people think I am just someone.
A gut feeling says, its not true,
Winners always have a different hue.
What if you work hard like everyone,
Fun is, as luck makes you the “only one”.
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