Sunday, June 3, 2007

Where is She?

Oh, lord where’s my aim,

The girl I want to tame.

If aim is equal to desire,

Where’s the girl that can set my heart on fire.

I had never been girl less,

But each girl-friend was a big mess.

Where is that one honey dew?

Who will come as a bolt from blue?

When will I find a girl possessing all hue?

With capabilities to paint my black & white world, on cue.

I am tired of this endless search,

Defeated I sit in your church.

Now show me the way,

Or, how to find her in any way.

Where is the girl of my dreams?

Can’t you see how my heart screams?

Dejected I feel on your no response,

Trust, ain’t left even an ounce.

Now why do I feel?

That you forgot to make that girl for me, & are shy to reveal.


Sambitesh said...

Huh!! desperate for a gf :P.Nicely shown ur desperation dude

Varun said...

ain't desperate....

thats just a poem on a given theme


Sukalyan said...

:(( :(( :((

Aparna Vittal Dhas said...

:-D :-D